Your posts reach fewer and fewer fans? You're not alone - it's a common phenomenon affecting most of the companies currently using Facebook. This practice is consistent with the Facebook policy of pushing companies to spend more money on ads.
While Facebook ads are a very effective tool, there are also other ways to improve your organic reach and increase number of followers.
Facebook wants to engage its users with an interesting content which makes them stay longer on the page.
That's why you shouldn't waste time on publishing boring posts. It's best to think through what content constitutes an added value for your users and how to present it, so as to evoke a smile or other positive reactions. For Facebook, it'll be a signal that your content deserves better reach.
It's extremely crucial to publish original photos, videos and posts. Facebook, like Google, appreciates unique content.
Every Facebook user has for sure noticed an increase in the popularity of videos. Facebook favors videos over other type of content by granting them top positions on the wall. It's worth having this in mind when:
Facebook algorithm and its users are also very fond of live broadcasts.
Remember that no one creates a Facebook account to watch the ads. People use Facebook primarily to entertain themselves and pass the time.
The rule is simple: 80% of your posts should entertain users and strengthen their attachment to your property/booking service. Sponsored posts should not exceed 20% of your overall content.
It's worth sticking to the 80/20 rule, because if used properly, Facebook will "forgive" you all typical sales entries.
However, remember that engaging content should be also present in your sponsored posts. A funny and creative video ad has a good chance of reaching an even wider audience, being rapidly republished in social media.
As previously mentioned, Facebook's main goal is to keep users glued to the service as long as possible. Hence, the reluctance to redirect to other pages.
If you really want to put a link in your post, you can add it as the first comment. Sure, It may decrease its accessibility for all interested users, but, by doing it this way, you'll be able to reach more people with your posts.
You can also get fans interested if you cleverly refer to current events or trends.
Of course, they don't have to be events of national importance. You can mention for example, the beginning of the season, interesting events taking place in your area, i.e. concerts, exhibitions or sport events.
If you have a specific budget, you might want to use it to collaborate with influencers in your industry, for example, by inviting them to visit your property and asking to share their impression in Social Media. Thanks to this type of cooperation, you can not only reach your fans, but also people who follow a particular influencer. They can become your Facebook fans or even new clients, though, they previously haven't known about the existence of your property.
With a limited budget, you can ask satisfied guests/clients to share their stories and photos on your page. They can be photos taken, for example, during stay in your facility. This way, you showcase the human side of your business and evoke sympathy.
You can also publish photos of employees to slowly remove the layer of anonymity and strengthen customer loyalty.
If you observe that your post is very popular among users, you should think about promoting it to reach even wider group of potential clients.
Taking advantage of such ad, even with a modest budget, can bring you more fans who have the potential of converting into your clients.
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