We recently reported on the introduction of Exporter in Booking.com integration. Now you can also export your listings to existing Airbnb accounts in a few simple steps. Everything happens directly from your IdoBooking dashboard. With this change, you'll save time by not having to enter the same information in two places. Check out the latest changes to IdoBooking.
Airbnb is one of the leaders in the short-term rental market and has captured the hearts of bookers. The service showcases around 3 million listings in over 191 cities around the world. IdoBooking's Channel Manager allows you to very easily sync your bookings with Airbnb and exchange availability updates with the IdoBooking calendar.
Right now, with the new IdoBooking tool, you'll be able to transfer a listing to the service (based on your settings in IdoBooking) and share it directly on Airbnb. All with just a few clicks.
If you already have an Airbnb account, you'll be able to create new properties within that account. You don't have to set up your listing separately in IdoBooking and Airbnb. Just set up your listing in IdoBooking and you can also publish it directly to Airbnb - creating an automatic integration with your exported properties.
We remind you that the automatic integration is also offered by Import-Airbnb Integration, which will allow you to transfer a listing from Airbnb to IdoBooking.
If you don't see the Exporter when you go to the Booking.com integration details, it means you don't have access to this functionality yet. Don't worry, this will change in a few days and the changes will be available to you as well.
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