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Dedicated calendar for cleaning companies, more capabilities in handling owner reservations and reservation settlement reports

Do you cooperate with people who clean your properties or people who have given the properties to you to manage? We have prepared quite a few new features for you and your partners, with more to come soon. Additionally, we have introduced a number of improvements in the generated booking settlement reports. Use the additional data for analysis and billing according to your needs.

New dedicated calendar for cleaning companies

Your panel users with the role cleaning company have been given access to a new calendar that allows you to better plan the cleaning of individual accommodations over the course of days.

The dedicated calendar presents necessary information such as arrival date, number of people, and departure date in an easy-to-read graphical format.


The column with the names of the accommodations and their copies accepts the color equivalents of the room status - cleaned, and to be cleaned with the possibility to change. Your employees have been given a new place to control cleaning. Changes were also included in calendars in mobile version of the panel.

More capabilities in handling owners' reservations

Until now, users with the role Owner adding their own reservation added locks to the panel. This mechanism has been rebuilt and from now on owners add full-fledged reservations (no-cost by default). With the changes, the reservations go into reports or the cleaning module, you can edit these reservations such as adding a cleaning service and billing the owners for it.

Under Reservations / List of reservations / Search for reservations you will find an improved search engine with sources sorted by number of reservations by default and the ability to search for reservations of a specific owner.

search owner

The owner still sees limited information about guest reservations. It has the basic operations of adding its own reservations, with the ability to place them only on free dates. If the owner selects busy dates, he will see a message about not being able to perform this operation.

New possibilities for booking settlement reports

Go to Marketing / Booking Billing Report and use the new options:

  • Sort the report by the dates of accepted payments
  • Include in your reports the agreed commission for partner services
  • Include the number of guests in reports
  • Generate reports in PDF format in a refreshed version
  • Check out the above features and additional improvements also in the refreshed mobile version

With the above changes, we are enhancing the value and combining the functionality of two modules - housekeeping and owner panel. Within a week there will be brand new capabilities and ways to settle with owners.

Learn more about dedicated user roles

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