The end of calendar summer doesn't mean we're done with trips. Booking.com sees strong demand for trips in both summer and early autumn. There are plenty of opportunities to attract new guests, even when the weather outside the window is not spoiling. What are some ways to increase conversions in the late summer and autumn? Check out tips from Booking.com
Take advantage of the demand for bookings at the time when the calendar autumn has already begun, but the summer energy and desire to travel is still noticeable. Booking.com notes that bookings are most often for domestic or local trips. According to the site, people around the world are making last-minute bookings because they feel a sudden urge to travel again.
Booking has put together the best tips and tricks to help increase conversions at your property - offer the right availability in your calendar. This can be summed up in three simple and understandable steps:
Find out more and optimize your listing according to Bookings advice.
The vast majority, up to 90 percent of travelers, book flexible rates. Booking.com points out that people are feeling the uncertainty of a pandemic and want to be able to change plans if necessary.
If you don't offer flexible pricing, you could lose a lot of bookings at the end of the summer and during the early autumn. Booking.com admits it has seen a lower cancellation rate than it did at the end of 2020.
Booking.com presents data that shows a higher percentage of bookings for seven days or longer than at the same time in 2019. Attract potential guests and create pricing plans with long stays too. Explore long-term pricing plans from Booking.com.
Property owners who display information about increased health and safety measures on their website, see 11 percent more bookings.
Guests need extra reassurance that the property has made every effort to take care of their health and safety. 70 percent of travelers admitted that they would be more likely to choose a property with additional security measures and standards of cleanliness and disinfection.
Booking indicates that Genius partners have seen a 29 percent increase in bookings since the membership rules were extended.
Genius is a program for Booking.com partners that helps them stand out from the competition. The site asserts that Genius guarantees an immediate increase in visibility and conversions in exchange for simple guest benefits. Booking has recently expanded the program's capabilities. Become a Genius Partner.
More than two-thirds of bookings on Booking.com are made on mobile devices.
- Our app was the most downloaded travel app in the world between January and March this year. - say Booking.com specialists - More than two-thirds of our bookings come from mobile devices.
Take advantage of the demand among the fastest-growing group of bookers and set prices for mobile devices
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