From now on, like rate plans, you can set the refund, prepayment conditions and cancellation fees in bundles. When manually defining the price in the bundle you can set a rate valid during the week and a separate one at weekends. Additionally, we have introduced a new editor of bundle descriptions and refreshed their presentation in the Booking Engine. Additionally, on your website, you can introduce blog excerpts on your website. Use new tools for even better promotion of your offers.
Until now bundles had prepayment and refund conditions taken from the cheapest one rate plan, which limited their configuration.
From now on, when you go to Offer / Packages, markups and discounts, just like in the rate plans, you can set the bundle independently refund, prepayment conditions and cancellation policy.
Additionally, when setting prices manually for accommodations included in a package, you can enter independent weekday and weekend prices.
The percentage discount for accommodations will still be calculated from the cheapest rate plan in effect during the bundle period.
Use the new bundle description editor, which will format the text similar to the detailed description of accommodations that will be presented in Booking Engine.In addition, the entire Promotions tab in Booking Engine has been refreshed to clearly present the accommodations available for booking within a specific bundle. By clicking on the name of the accommodation, the guest will be shown its details.
Until now the entire content of the article was presented in your website, which could make the blog section unreadable for longer texts.
From now on, when you go to Your Website / Blog you have the possibility to insert a excerpt to the blog entry, which will be visible on your website, and the full content of the article will be available after clicking Read more
All of the above new features will allow you to better promote your offers and increase conversions in direct bookings. Use them to spice up your basic offers.
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