Your website from IdoBooking use so-called friendly links. Thanks to that the individual contents of the page are well positioned in search engines. IdoBooking has introduced the possibility of adding your own links to every subpages and for every accommodation unit. This gives you even more freedom in positioning.
IdoBooking supports additional social media profiles by default: LinkedIn, YouTube and TikTok. This gives you the possibility to add any service with its own icon, which will be presented on your website. Check out all the new features!
Go to Your website / Menu and links management and discover new possibilities. Now you can hide any sub-page (with the eye icon you can quickly decide if you want to make a particular tab visible).
If you go to the new option Link management, you will be able to replace the default URL with any link of your own, which will be positioned in search engines.
Additionally, in the Accommodation subpages section you can select accommodation for which you will enter your own link.
Important! You can enter your own links independently for each language version of the website you are operating.
Go to Your website / Website Configuration / Links to social media profiles and check the support of additional default social media profiles:
As with Facebook, Instagram and TripAdvisor (i.e. previously supported profiles), IdoBooking provides a ready-made service icon for your website. All you have to do is fill in the address to your profile.
Additionally, you can add any service with the option to enter a custom icon to be displayed on your page. You can also easily change the order of the profiles displayed. Social media which do not have a completed link or are hidden, will not be visible on your page.
Take advantage of new opportunities for even better positioning and promotion of your accommodation, increase conversions and reach new visitors.
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