Privacy and cookie policy for IdoBooking websites

1 General information

  1. This Privacy and Cookies Policy governs the processing of personal data, collection and use of information about users of the IdoBooking sp. z o.o. websites. (hereinafter: ‘IdoBooking’), including customers, contractors and partners of IdoBooking sp. z o.o. using IdoBooking services.
    1. This policy shall apply to all websites operated by IdoBooking sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Szczecin, unless the terms and conditions of a given website provide otherwise.

2 Personal data

  1. The controller of personal data is IdoBooking sp. z o.o., with its registered office in Szczecin, Piastów 30, 71-064 Szczecin, tel. +48 91 443 66 00, fax +48 91 443 66 01,, hereinafter: ‘IdoBooking’.
  2. The Data Protection Officer is Rafał Malujda,
  3. Personal data collected by IdoBooking shall be processed in accordance with the principles set out in the personal data protection legislation, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (‘RODO’) and in Polish regulations issued in connection with RODO, including the Act of 10 May 2018 on personal data protection. IdoBooking shall keep personal data confidential and secure it from unauthorised access by third parties under the terms of the aforementioned legal acts.
  4. IdoBooking offers the IdoBooking system dedicated to establishments wishing to conduct accommodation bookings and term rentals of various things (e.g. cars or boats). In order to manage the content published on the website, improve contact and understand the needs of our current and potential customers visiting our pages, access to some information requires prior registration and login. As part of its activities, IdoBooking collects and processes personal data:
    1. for the purpose of concluding and performing contracts concluded with IdoBooking Users, including the data of persons signing the Contract and indicated for its performance and also for the purpose of correct and full performance of the ordered service and fulfilment of legal obligations incumbent on IdoBooking, e.g. in order to comply with requests from control bodies, courts, public prosecutor's office, for the purposes of proceedings provided for by law, and in order to fulfil other obligations imposed on the Administrator under generally applicable provisions of law (legal basis: Article 6(1)(b) RODO, Article 6(1)(f) RODO, Article 6(1)(c) RODO);
    2. for the purpose of sending commercial information (newsletter) to the e-mail address provided by the User in the case of consent to receive commercial information by e-mail, as well as for other purposes related to direct marketing of products and services (legal basis art. 6(1)(f) RODO);
    3. for the purposes arising from the legitimate interests pursued by IdoBooking: for analytical and statistical purposes, for the purpose of answering a question contained in a contact form and for the purpose of ensuring IT security related to the services administered by IdoBooking (legal basis Art. 6(1)(f) RODO);
    4. for the purpose of improving service standards at IdoBooking and to safeguard the interests of callers (legal basis Article 6(1)(a) RODO i.e. consent given by continuing a telephone call and remaining on the telephone line).

2.1 Purpose of data collection - details for logged-in IdoBooking users

  1. By logging in to the IdoBooking websites, the User gains access to all materials including, for example, technical specifications, documentation, demo systems, screenshots and videos, normally inaccessible to non-logged-in users. The User's activity data is collected and used to contact the User again by email, through messages or by telephone. These contacts are made via Marketing Automation systems (sending advice on content in which the User was interested) or newsletters with updates on products in which the User was interested since logging in.
  2. Personal data of IdoBooking Users is processed by IdoBooking in order to improve its services, to present the best possible offer, to conclude online transactions. This scope includes:
    1. the creation of anonymised and aggregated reports and analyses aimed at increasing the usefulness of the services provided;
    2. the analysis, over time, of the preferences regarding the range of services of interest to the User, in order to provide the best possible commercial support and in the use of IdoBooking;
    3. providing optional offers to Users for the use of IdoBooking;
    4. promoting and selling IdoBooking systems and additional services, including educational services such as webinars or training courses;
    5. checking that Users do not infringe IdoBooking's intellectual property in the future.
  3. IdoBooking carries out processing of the User's personal data in the form of profiling for User service and marketing. The Operator does not make automated decisions towards the User on the basis of profiling as referred to in Article 22(1) and (4) of the RODO.

2.2 Data subject rights

The processing of personal data is carried out on a voluntary basis; however, depending on the circumstances, a refusal to provide data or a request for deletion of data may prevent IdoBooking, for example, from correctly and fully performing the requested service. If you do not agree to the recording of conversations, please contact us via another communication channel, e.g. email or letter.
You have the right of access to your personal data; the right to rectification; erasure or restriction of processing; the right to data portability; the right to object if the processing is based on Article 6(1)(f) of the RODO, and the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data in the case of call recording.

2.3 Right to lodge a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint relating to the processing of your personal data by the Controller to the President of the Data Protection Authority.

2.4 Period of processing

The data shall be stored for the duration of the contract and after its termination for the period resulting from the provisions on archiving and limitation of claims, as well as until the relevant legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator are realised (such as possible defence, investigation or establishment of claims, as well as for the purposes of marketing campaigns conducted). We will continue to send you newsletters and other similar information until you withdraw your consent to receive commercial information by electronic means / raise an objection in this respect.

2.4.1 Details for logged-in IdoBooking users

Data relating to the User, including personal data, will be stored for no longer than necessary in connection with the User's use of the IdoBooking CRM or the performance of the service (e.g. complaints handling) - in any case for no longer than required by separate regulations. With regard to the User's use of the messaging system, the personal data contained in the messages will be stored by IdoBooking indefinitely due to IdoBooking's inability to interfere with the content of the messages, and due to the need to provide a secure and safe way of contacting Users. This constitutes the fulfilment of a legitimate interest for IdoBooking and is the legal basis for the processing of personal data in the messaging system (Art.6(1)(f) RODO). Personal data of persons logging in on IdoBooking websites will also be stored by IdoBooking indefinitely due to the need to establish, assert or defend claims related to the protection of IdoBooking's intellectual property. This constitutes IdoBooking's pursuit of a legitimate interest and is the legal basis for the processing of personal data (Article 6(1)(f) RODO).

2.5 Recipients of personal data

Recipients of the personal data processed by IdoBooking are IdoBooking's business partners, hosting companies, software providers, marketing agencies, online and card payment operators, accounting offices, law firms and other entities to whom IdoBooking entrusts personal data or makes them available on the basis of an appropriate agreement for the purpose of providing services.
Personal data may be transferred to entities located in third countries such as the USA and Canada for which the European Commission has declared an adequate level of protection for personal data (in the case of the USA, it is a condition that the entity in question has joined the ‘EU-US Data Protection Framework’).

2.6 Voluntary provision of data

The provision of personal data by the User is a contractual requirement and is voluntary, but necessary for the use of the IdoBooking websites. Failure to provide personal data will result in inability to use the IdoBooking websites.

3 Cookies

  1. In order to ensure the smooth functioning of the IdoBooking websites, including the IdoBooking CRM, after the User has used this system, IdoBooking uses a commonly used mechanism based on the so-called ‘cookies’ to better identify the User.
  2. The legal basis for the processing of personal data derived from cookies is the legitimate interests of IdoBooking to provide quality and safe services, the proper functioning of the website, the configuration of the website, the security and reliability of the website, the monitoring of session status or analysis, statistics, research and auditing of website impressions and the display of personalised advertising.
  3. There are two types of cookies:
    1. own cookies, i.e. those that are handled by IdoBooking,
    2. and third-party cookies, operated by a third party on behalf of IdoBooking.
  4. The storage period of cookies on the User's mobile device or mobile computer may vary depending on the cookie. Some cookies are session cookies, i.e. they exist while the User's browser is open. They are deleted as soon as the browser is closed. There are also persistent cookies, i.e. cookies that are not deleted when the browser is closed, usually used to recognise the User's computer or other device.
  5. The cookies used by IdoBooking can be divided into:
    1. Essential cookies - contribute to the usability of the website by enabling basic functions such as website navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies. This type of cookie will always be enabled.
    2. Preference cookies allow the website to remember information that changes the look or function of the website, such as your preferred language or the region in which you are located.
    3. Statistical cookies help website owners understand how different users behave on the site by collecting and reporting anonymous information.
    4. Marketing cookies are used to track users on websites. The aim is to display advertisements that are relevant and interesting to individual users and thus more valuable to third-party publishers and advertisers.
  6. The user of the IdoBooking websites has the option to:
    1. Personalise the cookie settings, including rejecting all but essential cookies;
    2. Accept all cookies.
  7. The User may, independently and at any time, change the settings concerning ‘cookies’ concerning preferences, statistical and marketing, including blocking them completely, specifying the conditions for storing them and accessing them by ‘cookies’ to the User's device. You can change these settings using your browser settings and by clicking on the widget located in the bottom left-hand corner of the website. However, such a change may result in incorrect operation of IdoBooking including not allowing viewing of content available only to logged-in Users. These settings may be changed, in particular, in such a way as to block the automatic handling of ‘cookies’ in the web browser settings or inform on their each time they are placed on the User's device. Detailed information on the possibility and methods of using cookies is available in the settings of your software (web browser) and in the widget located in the lower left corner of the website.
  8. IdoBooking may use individual, invisible pixels embedded in the Website in order to recognise a returning and collect information about new preferences of the User.
  9. Cookies and pixel calling are commonly used on the Internet and are completely safe for the User. The User is in no way at risk of his/her device becoming infected with a virus or installing unwanted or malicious software.
  10. The Users' personal data is stored in a database in which technical and organisational measures have been taken to ensure the protection of the processed data in accordance with the requirements set out in the applicable legislation.

4 Final provisions

  1. For the purposes of the reports it prepares, IdoBooking shall be entitled to use the User's information only in an aggregated manner that does not allow for the identification of the User.
  2. Any changes made to the Privacy Policy in the future will be published on the IdoBooking websites. You are advised to check the IdoBooking websites regularly for updates to this Privacy Policy and cookies. If you do not accept our Privacy Policy or changes to the Privacy Policy, you should stop using the IdoBooking Websites.