Assignment of the IdoBooking Contract

Minimum paperwork with all procedures. Find out how easy and fast it is to transfer your IdoBooking booking system to another company.

The IdoBooking contract assignment should be made in the case of the sale of a lodging property or the contribution of the company managing the lodging property as a capital contribution to a new legal entity. It is not necessary to assign the contract if the company managing the lodging property has changed its headquarters, name, or transformed into another legal form while retaining full legal succession.

First and foremost, a statement of intent to assign the contract must be prepared. The assignment statement form can be found below. It is a PDF document that can be filled out electronically or by hand.

plik IdoBooking Contract Assignment

In the case of a sole proprietorship or a civil partnership, the business owners must sign; in general partnerships, all owners or a co-owner with independent representation must sign; and in limited liability companies or joint-stock companies, authorized members of the management board must sign. The absence of these signatures or an insufficient number of signatures (e.g., only one member of the management board) will invalidate the assignment.

Please send this statement in one copy. The form can be signed by hand and mailed to us, or it can be signed electronically (only a qualified electronic signature is valid) and sent via the communication system. After completing the assignment, we will send back the document signed both manually and with a qualified electronic signature through the communication system.

The assignment form must be accompanied by the IdoBooking service agreement form signed and filled out with the details of the new store owner and their registration documents, i.e., the business registration or KRS, confirmation of REGON and NIP assignments.