Termination of the IdoBooking Contract

We always apply the principle of minimum formalities to all procedures, including the less pleasant ones. Learn more the Termination of IdoBooking Contract.

If you decide to terminate your cooperation with IdoBooking Sp. z o.o., you will need to submit a notice of termination for the IdoBooking service agreement. The standard notice period is two or three months and takes effect at the end of the month. This means that if the notice is submitted in the middle of the month, the notice period will start from the beginning of the following month. For example, if you submit your notice on April 15th, the two-month notice period will begin on May 1st.

You can generate all IdoBooking documents, including the termination notice, using the electronic form available in the Customer Service Center (CSC) under Account > Documents. Below, you can find the PDF version of the termination notice form:

plik IdoBooking Contract Termination

We would like to remind you that the termination form must include signatures of individuals authorized to represent the company. For sole proprietorships or civil partnerships, these are the owners, while in general partnerships, all partners or a partner with the right to act independently must sign. In limited liability companies (Sp. z o.o.) and joint-stock companies, approval from board members is required. Please note that the absence of the appropriate signatures (e.g., only one board member) may invalidate the termination notice.

You can sign the form manually and send it by post (we recommend using registered mail or with acknowledgment of receipt) or sign it electronically via the Customer Service Center (CSC).